Thursday, June 26, 2014

My kids, my stones

Do your kids represent something to you?  I mean other than love or an example of our relationship with God.  Do they represent seasons in your life? 

I realized today that each of my kids “represent” something different to me.  I guess it has something to do with each stage of life I was in at the time I had them.   They are kind of like my Ebenezer rocks, as I call them, in reference to  1 Samuel 7:12, “Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means "the stone of help"), for he said, ‘Up to this point the LORD has helped us!’" (If you’ve never studied this passage in the bible, I highly recommend it!)

Colby represents change to me.  He is my firstborn.  Before I became a mother, I was not a “kid person.”  I was awkward around kids.  I didn’t know what to do with them.  I did not want to hold babies.  I was the baby in my family so I had no experience being around little ones.  I didn’t even want to be a mother before I got married.  Apparently, there was even talk amongst family members as to whether or not I would be a good mother because of it (hurtful, but we won’t get into that, no joke).   But when I had that baby boy and they put him in my arms, I FELT MYSELF CHANGE.  I was suddenly a new person.   I was suddenly a better person.  It was no longer all about me.  Selfishness was thrown out the window.  I suddenly had purpose.  I had a better understanding about how God feels about each of us.  It was like an awakening.  It wasn’t that I suddenly loved kids and babies because I now had one of my own.  It was that I now had this amazing person to take care of and love and I was his mother.  I WAS HIS MOTHER!  I knew at that moment that God had put me on earth to be his mother, and I was perfectly fine with that.  Never in my life had I felt a purpose.  Honestly, I didn’t.  He changed me for the better.

Sydney represents happiness.  When I had her, I had the mom thing down and I was a rock star, if I do say so myself.  I was in my groove and HAPPY.  Happy with life, happy with my new purpose, happy to  have another little one to call my own.  We didn’t know what she was going to be, so when the doctor said we had a little girl, we were so HAPPY!   And she was the easiest baby.  Laid back and easygoing.  And she still is today.  When she was in 2nd grade, her teacher gave her the award for being “Most Flexible” because she was always willing to just go with the flow.  Her grandmother even called her “her happy baby.”  PURE HAPPINESS.   This is what she represents for me.  The enjoyment and happiness we get out of this life that God has given us. 

Brady represents perseverance and laughter.  Does that sound like an oxymoron?  Ha!   Well, let me explain.  When I was pregnant with Brady, times were tough.  Our marriage was struggling, we were financially strapped, and I had gone back to school (online) to become a transcriptionist.  This continued while he was a baby and I started working from home.  Combine all that with the fact that Brady was my high-maintenance baby and I also had two other kids to tend to.  It made for some hard days (and nights).  BUT WE PERSEVERED.  We made it through.  Things got better.  We came out stronger as a family.  And on the other side of this, there is laughter.  There is now this funny kid that makes me laugh out loud on a daily basis.  After all that struggle, all that guilt and heartache, there is now such joy and laughter.  

God has taught me and shown me things through my kids.  They are not only gifts from Him.  They are the stones that have been placed at certain points in my life that I can look back on and say, “Wow.  Look where I’ve been.  I have CHANGED for the better, I am HAPPY, I have PERSEVERED, and I have plenty of LAUGHTER!"

Monday, June 9, 2014

New way of thinking.

It just dawned on me that I have a new way of thinking.  Maybe it's because I work outside the home now. Maybe it's because it's summertime and summertime makes me feel good.  Maybe it's because I now have two kids in middle school.  I don't exactly know why, but I can definitely tell that my way of thinking is different. 

This evening when the kids and I came home, I walked into a house and saw piles of laundry.  Dishes needing to be put up.  A floor that is begging to be mopped. I walked into my bedroom and I saw a bed that had been well slept in.  I stepped into my closet and saw piles of clothes and shoes. I looked down at my dresser and saw several things that didn't even belong in my room like my daughter's manicure set and headband, my son's comic book and a drawing he had done by a comic book artist, and a few other things that were probably put there because they just didn't know where else to put them. 

In the past, I would've walked into this house and upon seeing the uber mess, I would've turned into Hurricane Tracey and everyone would've felt my wrath.  We would've all gotten to work cleaning and picking up and then the kids would then retreat into their rooms to find respite from my silly neat freak madness.  And then I would feel guilty.  It was a silly cycle. 

But tonight, I walked into this beautiful mess and I felt calm, peaceful even. The clothes may not be put up, but at least we have clothes. The dishes may not be put up, but they are clean. My kids' stuff may be everywhere, but one day they'll move out and have homes of their own and I won't be able to look down and see a comic book, crazy nail polish, a toy out of its place.  

I'm thankful for this moment of life that I'm in. This in between. Not babies, yet still not old enough. Still needing me, yet starting to show their independence.  It is a breakthrough for me to be able to feel this way. 

Tonight, I'm gonna lie here in my bed and snuggle with my 11-year-old daughter while she snoozes and listen to the rain.  One day she'll be "too big" to do this, so for now I'll enjoy it. I'll let the messiness wait. And I'll feel good about it. Thank you, God, for my mess. Thank you, thank you, for letting me finally see the beauty of it. 

Sweet dreams...

Click on this link for a mommy funny. :-)